The Jury of the Calella Film Festival will have the task of deciding and awarding the best feature films of the official sections Low Budget Films and Creative Rosebud Awards.

Juli Fàbregas


Betsy Túrnez

Bertsy turnez  jurat Calella Film Festival 2024

Juanjo Pardo

Juanjo Pardo jurat Calella Film Festival 2024

Iván Foix

Ivan foix  jurat Calella Film Festival 2024

Anna Azcona

Ana Azcona  jurat Calella Film Festival 2024

Benjamín Pérez

Benjamin Perez  jurat Calella Film Festival 2024

Miquel Garcia

Miquel Garcia  jurat Calella Film Festival 2024

María Rodríguez


Sergi Pompermayer


Carol López


Please note that the jury’s decisions will be final and no petitions related to their verdict will be accepted.

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