Ivan Foix

He is a young producer from Barcelona.

He started as an intern in the musical 24 hours in the life of a woman by Stefan Zweig, premiered at the Teatre Condal in Barcelona and starring the actress Sílvia Marsó, Marc Parejo and Germán Torres. After touring all over Spain and Andorra, he wanted to start in the audiovisual world, going through small producers until he ended up at ROMA Production House, an advertising production company based in Barcelona and Madrid.

His latest projects include ‘Vacío’, a short film starring Maria Valverde and Javier Beltrán, and ‘Plora Aquí’, a short film directed by Pablo Maestres and starring Judith Mascó, Bruna Cusí and Ferran Palau, who also scored the film. This short film has received a nomination at the Cíclope Festival for Best Music Video and Best Direction and we still don’t know the result!

He is currently a producer at Oxígeno, a production company based in Barcelona, Madrid and Mexico.

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