Sergi Pompermayer
Sergi Pompermayer (Barcelona 1967) has a degree in veterinary medicine and is studying drama at the Col-legi del Teatre de Barcelona. He debuted as a playwright in 1997 with Zowie (XXV Premi Ciutat d’Alcoi). He has also written, among others, Refugiats, New Order, Sacrifici, Blues, Llum de Guàrdia (Ghost light), the book of the family opera La Cuina de Rossini and Amèrica.
He has also written the plays Timó d’Atenes by W. Shakespeare, Don Joan by Molière,Instruccions per fer-se feixista by Michela Murgia and Carrer Robadors by Mathias Enard, winner of the Max Prize for the best adaptation.
As a scriptwriter, he has worked on series such as Plats Bruts, Jet Lag, Lo Cartanyà, L’Un per l’altre, Porca Misèria, La Sagrada Família, La Riera i Jo, mai mai.
He teaches courses and workshops at the Obrador de la Sala Beckett, at the Escola Superior de Cinema de Catalunya ESCAC, at Showrunners, and also at master’s degree courses at the Universitat Ramón Llull, the UAB and the UPF.