List of winners 2024

Official section Low Budget Films Best Film "GALLO ROJO" by Enrique García-VázquezBest Direction Matthew Fearney for "THE KING OF SPADES"Special Mention "MAI PARLAREM DE NOSALTRES" by Raimon VallsBest Screenplay "THE HOUSE THAT STOOD" by Antonella SpiritoBest actress Aleida Torrent for "SINÉL" Best...

Carol López

Carol López Graduate in Playwriting and Stage Direction from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. She collaborates as a teacher at ESCAC (Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisual de Cataluña) and has taught several courses at...

Sergi Pompermayer

Sergi Pompermayer Sergi Pompermayer (Barcelona 1967) has a degree in veterinary medicine and is studying drama at the Col-legi del Teatre de Barcelona. He debuted as a playwright in 1997 with Zowie (XXV Premi Ciutat...


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