Cristina Genebat
Actress and translator. He graduated in dramatic art from the Barcelona Theater Institute in 2000 and in translation and interpretation from the Pompeu Fabra University in 2004.As an actress she has participated in thirty theater productions: La forma de las cosas, L’hort dels cirerers o El curiós incident del gos a mitjanit, directed by Julio Manrique; Hedda Gabler, by David Selvas; Boscos, by Oriol Broggi or Les noies de Mossbank Road, directed by Silvia Munt.On television he has worked in series such as La Riera, Como si fos ahir and Merlí, among others.He has translated works by Molière, Marivaux, David Mamet, Neil Labute and Bernard Marie Koltès, and is also responsible for the translations of Incendios, Bosques y Cielos, by Wajdi Mouawad, released with great success in Catalonia.As a playwright she has premiered the works Santa Nit and E.V.A.